Üdvözöljük a DramaWorks Színjátszó Iskolánál!
Több mint 10 éve adjuk meg a lehetőséget gyerekeknek és felnőtteknek egyaránt, hogy színpadon és képernyőn ragyogjanak. Tanfolyamokat kínálunk színjátszás, filmezés és zenés játékok terén. Képzéseket nyújtunk minden korosztály számára: a 3 évestől kezdve a fiatalokig és felnőttig. Angol nyelvű tanárokkal dolgozunk, akik szenvedélyesen szeretik az előadó-művészetet. Foglalkozunk kezdő és professzionális szintű képzésekkel valamint filmszereplő-válogatással is. Kortól és tapasztalattól függetlenül mi hisszük, ha szórakoztatva és a képzeletet kibővítően tanítunk, akkor az önbizalmat és a más képességeket nemcsak a színpadra fejlesztjük!
Faye Bradbrook, Igazgató és tanár
“I’m Faye, director, teacher and founder of DramaWorks (2008). I’m from the UK and have been living in Budapest since
2006. I believe the imagination is a wonderful tool for teaching and the essence of acting.
Alongside teaching I continue to work as professional actress on stage, in films and as a voice-over artist. I have a website
Ivett Gregor, színjátszás és angol tanár
Ivett has been a valued and much respected member of the DramaWorks team since 2015. She brings a wonderful level of energy and enthusiasm to every class and the children are always excited to be there. Through DramaWorks curricular programmes Ivett works closely in schools and kindergartens as an ESL teacher and primary drama teacher.
Christine Grace Szarko, színjátszás, musical és filmnűvészeti tanár
Christine was pleased to have joined the DramaWorks team in September of 2017. A passionate performer and believer in the value of the arts, Christine has bought a wonderful enthusiasm and valuable experience to her classes. She trained in Vancouver and New York, earning two diplomas in Modern Dance and Performance, as well as two in Horticulture and Landscape Design; after all, life is all about growing.
Scott Alexander Young, magán színjátszás és írás tanár
Scott joined the DramaWorks team in 2017. As a busy working actor and professional writer he brings a broad range of experience to his coaching. He has a natural ability to develop students’ confidence in their performing abilities, spoken skills and preparation for auditions. He definitely tailors his private lessons to the needs of individual students, with the emphasis always on encouraging and nurturing talent.
Marysia Ananiewska, magán ének tanár
For students who which to study singing at a technical level Marysia offers enjoyable and professional vocal coaching. She has a kind and encouraging manner which builds confidence and vocal skills. Marysia is from Moscow (Russia) where she graduated from a music training faculty at the university in Moscow with an MA degree. She has been working as a music teacher for over 13 years during which she has worked with children and adults of all ages, backgrounds and experiences.